Friday, September 19, 2008

3 Months

Brady is 3 months old today. It is hard to believe how quickly the time has flown by. He is really growing and interacting much more with us. He has favorite books and toys. So it is fun to expore what things he likes and doesn't like as much. We won't go to the doctor until he is 4 months old so we won't know how much he has gained yet but I can tell by carrying him that he is getting bigger. Here are some pictures we have taken over the last week.
Brady is giving a shout out to his Uncle Nate.

Brady is sleeping so peacefully.

Look Mom, I found my hands.

Aren't these the best??

Snuggling with Daddy

Mommy & Me

Brady is playing with his buddy Aidan. Ally thought they needed dolls to play with.

Sarah and I took Kyle and Brady to the Oley Fair.

We saw animals but Kyle loved the tractors the best.

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